Luxuria (Chapter 1)

In a sea of dandelions, a blonde girl in a white dress stands at the center, the flowers and her dress swaying gently in the breeze.

Beyond the sea of flowers, a young knight secures his steed, holding a white rose symbolizing his love, gazing toward the girl at the center.

This is an era where noble glory still exists, and royal benevolence remains.

It is also an era where the monarchy and the church are intertwined, yet mutually reinforcing.

At the westernmost edge of the kingdom, east of the rumored Elf Forest, home to beautiful elves, lies a protruding territory of the kingdom.

This land is bordered to the north by the nomadic and plundering Northlanders, to the south by the fertile yet perilous Elf Forest, and to the west by the towering Cloudpeak Mountains. Only a long valley to the east effectively defends against the Northlanders' raids and connects the eastern and western territories.

This remote land, far from the bustling capital, fraught with danger and possessing relatively barren soil, would have long become a winter grazing ground for the Northlanders if not for its abundant iron and copper mines.

Thus, this place is named "Klistu", which in the kingdom’s dialect means "easily plundered mine".

But poverty and danger do not deter young knights.

Today, as the northern frontier becomes more fortified under the kingdom's rule, only the protruding territory of Klistu still faces annual raids from the Northlanders.

War breeds merit, and merit brings nobility.

Young knights, one after another, write legendary tales with their countless lives and blood, defending the kingdom's honor over time.

Among them is the knight who halts his horse in front of the sea of dandelions.

As for the blonde girl, she gracefully and calmly entertains the dignitaries arriving in Klistu as the wife of the Earl of Klistu.

Over time, the rumor that 'the Earl of Klistu has a noble and beautiful wife' spreads widely in the kingdom. So much so that when people mention Klistu, her name, Luxuria, is often brought up more than her husband’s.

However, the subject of this rumor does not feel any joy from it.

On the contrary, just after finishing a banquet, she collapses wearily onto her soft bed, completely disregarding the elaborate low-cut gown she is wearing, burying her head into a pillow with a feeble groan:

"Why do we have to have banquets? I want to sunbathe by the river, pick fruits in the orchard, and have afternoon tea in the garden..."


The Earl, having taken off his formal attire, looks at her with a loving smile. The years have matured his face, adding a touch of wisdom from the war.

"You’ve worked hard, my princess—you know I am not good at dealing with those nobles, especially the fanatics from the church."

Gently removing the elaborate headpiece from her head, the Earl sits by the bed, tidying her disheveled yet silky blonde hair.

"The church? Do you mean the new bishop who didn't show up today?"

Luxuria narrows her eyes, enjoying the 'master’s' touch like a contented kitten, hugging her pillow and speaking softly: "Although the church’s attitude is somewhat hypocritical, they don’t seem to actively seek conflict with us."

"But the messenger pigeon from the capital warned us to be wary of them."

The Earl’s tone is somewhat resigned: "Old King Carter Larysis died three days ago. The new king is Crown Prince Carter Domisis. You know his personality."

Luxuria’s eyes flash, seemingly understanding.

When the old king was alive, the monarchy and the church maintained a balanced relationship: the church assisted the monarchy in ruling the people, and the monarchy ensured the church’s ecclesiastical stability.

But over time, the church has infiltrated all aspects of the common people's lives.

The talents educated in religious schools are loyal only to the church. The almshouses and relief organizations constantly win over the hearts of the poor.

Some local tyrants even collude with the church for mutual benefit, one playing the wolf and the other the sheepdog, undermining royal authority while squeezing more from the people.

The old king, in his early years, had to focus on defending against the Northlanders’ invasions, temporarily turning his attention away. By the time he refocused on domestic affairs, the church’s power had grown to pervade every village and corner of the kingdom, except for the royal capital.

If the monarchy declared war on the church, the church would surely rally the populace for a ‘holy war’ to overthrow royal authority.

But if the monarchy did not confront the church, the church would continue to spread like vines, eventually engulfing the entire kingdom and replacing the royal rule.

Advancing was impossible; retreating was not an option.

The old king chose another way to eradicate the church’s influence—through the knight class from the lower ranks.

The church monopolizes talent through religious schools? Then I will elevate knights from the same lower ranks to fill my ranks.

The church distorts royal decrees through bishops and monks? Then I will have knights with swords announce royal decrees personally.

When the base of power is reclaimed by loyal knights, and the people are no longer swayed by the church, how could the church stir up any trouble under the watchful eye of the monarchy?

But just as the old king was about to use his remaining years to deal with the church, his sudden death buried his ideals and plans.

"So now they have their eyes on us?"

Luxuria understands her and her husband's position in this struggle. With the old king gone and the new king freshly crowned, if the church wants to completely thwart the royal plans, now is the best time.


The Earl is also uncertain. Compared to the old king’s wisdom, the new king Carter Domisis is rather unreliable.

"Regardless, we should strengthen the manor's defenses and stay adaptable."

"At least, I don’t think they would attack the Earl’s manor without reason, as it would be tantamount to declaring war on the monarchy’s hundred thousand standing army and thirty thousand knights."

"Unless our new king is foolish enough to throw away his best weapon."

The Earl, somewhat pessimistic about the future, wants to say more but notices his wife, Luxuria, pondering something with her head tilted.

"What’s on your mind?" The Earl is curious.

"I’m thinking we should have a child of our own..." Luxuria, feeling a bit down, touches her soft but firm belly through her corset: "We’ve been together for nearly ten years, but there’s been no sign of a baby."

"It’s alright, Luxuria, I don’t care about having a child. I only care about you."

The Earl affectionately strokes her head, looking at her matured and voluptuous figure, then wraps his arm around her slender waist, lifting his other hand.


Luxuria gasps, her face visibly reddening as she tries to push away the culprit who made her feel weak, only to provoke him further.

"You’re annoying..."

"But I’m not annoyed."

"Stop it, it feels weird..."

"You wanted a child, didn’t you? I’m just helping you get used to it."

"You’re all grown up, not a child anymore!"

"I’ll always be your child."


The nightingale sings, and the night passes in silence.

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